Tutoring - Garrett College-澳门足球博彩官方网址

Garrett College will be closed Thursday, December 5, 2024, due to inclement weather. All classes and activities are cancelled. Essential employees to report to work as scheduled.

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Tutoring IS available!

All Garrett College students have access to a variety of free and high-quality tutoring options. Tutoring is effectively delivered by trained peer and professional tutors through face-to-face visits to the walk-in Tutoring Center, video chat, instant message, email, phone call, and even text message. Students should visit the AASC Student Resources Blackboard course for the latest and most up-to-date information on tutoring options for the current semester.

Students may call 301-387-3715 or email aasc@cryptoprog.net for details.

Students or others wishing to serve as a tutor may contact Ashley Ruby, Director of Advising & Academic Success, at 301-387-3733 or email ashley.ruby@cryptoprog.net.

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