Schedules And Catalogs - Garrett College-澳门足球博彩官方网址

Garrett College will open at 10:00am today, Friday, December 6. All classes and activities with a start time at or after 10:00am will meet as scheduled. Campus will be accessible 45 minutes before the opening time. Essential employees report as scheduled. 

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Schedules & Catalogs

Specific program requirements for each major are detailed in the College Catalog. To maintain currency with academic and industry standards, program requirements are annually reviewed and updated. Students are held to the program requirements indicated in the College Catalog in effect at the time of matriculation (i.e., when the major program of study was officially declared). Not sure of your catalog year? Look at your Degree Audit in the Student Portal.

For catalogs prior to those listed, please contact

Upcoming Course Schedules

Search for class availability online

  • Click the Course Search button to access real-time class offerings and seat availability
  • No login is required to view the schedule of classes
  • To see all courses for a term, click Course Search below, then leave all items as is and click Search

Non-credit Catalogs

C.E.W.D. Catalog

Garrett College Continuing Education & Workforce Development Catalog

Workforce Catalog

Garrett College Continuing Education & Workforce Development Catalog